Alþjóðakademían í munnlækningum og eiturefnafræði (IAOMT) urgently highlights a concerning study, titled “Estimated mercury vapor exposure from amalgams among American pregnant women.” This study presents groundbreaking findings on the mercury vapor exposure from dental amalgams of pregnant women in the United States.

This comprehensive research, published in the journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology was based on data from the CDC’s 2015-2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which analyzed mercury vapor exposure in approximately 1.67 million pregnant women. Composite fillings are becoming the choice of many dentists and their patients, however 120 million Americans still have amalgam fillings. In this study, approximately 1 in 3 women were found to have 1 or more amalgam surfaces. In women with amalgam surfaces, the number of surfaces, correlated with significantly higher median daily urinary mercury excretion compared to women without amalgams. Notably, close to 30% of these women received daily mercury vapor doses from amalgams exceeding the safety limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Í september 2020, FDA updated its guidelines on dental amalgam fillings, emphasizing their risks for certain vulnerable groups. They particularly noted the risk of fetal exposure during pregnancy, advising against amalgam fillings for women from fetal stage to menopause. The FDA also advised that children, individuals with neurological diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s, those with impaired kidney function, and anyone with a known sensitivity to mercury or amalgam components, should avoid these fillings.

“The findings of this study underscore the need for heightened awareness of the risks to dental patients and policy shifts regarding the use of dental amalgams,” said Dr. Charles Cuprill, President of the IAOMT. “FDA warnings on amalgam are not enough. Mercury amalgam dental fillings should be banned by the FDA as they pose a serious risk to the health of all individuals who have amalgam fillings, especially pregnant women and those of reproductive age.”

Resources for dental professionals and patients regarding the negative health effects of mercury amalgam dental fillings as well as a directory of IAOMT biological dentists certified in the safe mercury amalgam removal technique (SMART) can be found at

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) er alþjóðleg stofnun sem leggur áherslu á að stuðla að öruggum og lífsamrýmanlegum tannlækningum. IAOMT samanstendur af leiðandi tannlæknum, vísindamönnum og bandamönnum og veitir gagnreynda menntun, rannsóknir og málsvörn til að bæta munnheilsu og almenna vellíðan sjúklinga um allan heim.

Vinsamlegast hafðu samband við fyrirspurnir í fjölmiðlum:
Kym Smith
Framkvæmdastjóri IAOMT

( stjórnarformaður )

Dr. Jack Kall, DMD, FAGD, MIAOMT, er félagi við Academy of General Dentistry og fyrrverandi forseti Kentucky-deildarinnar. Hann er viðurkenndur meistari í International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) og hefur síðan 1996 starfað sem stjórnarformaður þess. Hann situr einnig í ráðgjafaráði Bioregulatory Medical Institute (BRMI). Hann er meðlimur í Institute for Functional Medicine og American Academy for Oral Systemic Health.